Look and feel amazing with a MoroccanTan

Spray Tanning

Elevate your confidence with the radiant glow of MoroccanTan

You can be confident in the results as our experienced therapists apply the product to ensure you receive the perfect tan every time.

The MoroccanTan offers a range of shades to suit every individual skin tone, from a light golden tan to a deep, ashy brown. It provides quick drying deep absorbing nourishment with options of 30 minute, 1 hour, 2 hour or 4 hour fast acting tans.

MoroccanTan is a naturally derived product and is ethically sourced from ingredients across the globe. It is a non-oily and non-sticky formula suitable for all skin tones, and is paraben and PEG free.

Important: Sunless tanning products do not contain protection from the sun’s rays.

Spray Tan Options

Full Body Tan

Enjoy a perfect sun-kissed full body glow any time of the year with an all over tan using MoroccanTan products. Perfect for a special party or event or simply to feel your best.

Get ready for your tan by reading the Pre and Post Care steps below to ensure you achieve the best result.

Full Body Tan 30 minutes $75
Full Development Time 12-24 hours

Important Pre and Post Care Steps for Your Spray Tan

  • Prepping the skin prior to application is vital and can impact the end results and lifespan of the tan. Following the steps below will ensure you’re ready to acheive the best result!

    • To remove dead skin cells and other product residue, shower and exfoliate with MoroccanPrimer in the days eading up to the application of the tan.

    • Wax or shave 24 hours prior to the spray tan.

    • Do not apply moisturisers, body butters or oils to the sin prior to application.

    • Do not wear deodorant, lotions, perfumes or essential oils before or directly after the application.

    • Wear loose and dark clothing along with thongs or slides to and from your appointment.

  • Just as vital as the prep is the post care. Following these tips helps ensure the development of the tan is seamless and lifespan of the tan is longer.

    • Do not touch your body while your tan is drying.

    • Avoid activities that you will make you perspire excessively for at least 24 hours.

    • After the waiting period has passed, shower using warm water ONLY and do not wash you hair. Pat youself dry.

    • Once full developed (next day) shower as normal. For best results, used MoroccanCleanse daily.

    • Perfumes, deodarants and makeup may also now be used.

    • Moisturise skin daily with MoroccanGlow, Butter or Luminous to prolong the life of your tan and ensure an eent fade off.

  • Your therapist will talk to you about your skin type and the depth of colour your prefer before selecting the appropriate tan for you.

    If you are having a full body tan clothes are removed. It is your preference whether you want to keep your underwear on (most women remove their bra to avoid strap marks) but we do provide you with a disposable G-string to wear if you wish.

    The tan is gently applied via the spray tan wand. You will feel a light, cool, spray sensation on your skin. Each part of the body is done separately, spraying thoroughly and evenly before moving to the next area. It is optional to have your face tanned – some people choose not to, preferring instead to use one of the many face bronzing powders on the market to match their body colour.

    Once the spray-tanning has been completed (about 15 minutes), your therapist will gently dry the surface residue with a warm air dryer.

  • Treat your tan gently!

    Avoid exfoliation or strong rubbing from facecloths and towels.

    After showering, ‘pat’ the skin dry instead of ‘rubbing’ with the towel.

    Hydrate well. At The Finishing Touch we recommend that you moisturise daily to keep your tan healthy looking and smooth.

    Use at-home care. We have a great range of tan boosters and at-home care in the salon to keep your tan looking great!

“Consistently good service and high levels of hygiene.”


Indulge in your favourite spray tan